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Joel Cooper

I posted something about Joel Cooper previously, a few days ago. I was very pleased when he responded to my post, and furthermore sent me a few photos of his work. With his permission I am sharing them here with you. (Click the photos for the full-size version.)

He mentioned via email that the masks he has worked on are different than anything he’s seen so far- and I agree with him completely. I think the use of tessellation techniques to arrange a polygon mesh for the purposes of 3d representation really crosses over into a level of technical folding that I have yet to see anywhere else. I feel this is really some mind-blowing material. He further says that he has been developing this style slowly over the last three years. I would love to see the progression of designs and explorations that led him to this particular line of thought, and see the development of both the technique and his folding skill! This is a real labor of love.

Joel origami tessellation mask

Furthermore, he has some complex and new tessellation patterns, as well. He’s been folding origami tessellations over the last 5 years, after seeing some of them on the internet. I have to imagine that these models only scratch the surface, and I look forward to hearing more from him about his own work!

With the exception of the Fujimoto “pyramid” (notice the modified design?) these works are all his own creations.

Joel tessellation 1Joel Origami Tessellation 3
Joel Tessellation 2Joel Origami Tessellation 4 (Fujimoto Stack)


Joel is also an accomplished artist as well (even though we all know origami is an art form, too). Some googling finds this:

Lawrence Art Walk 2003


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