Month: November 2005

Pentagonal Compass Rose Box

Pentagonal Compass Rose Box Originally uploaded by oschene. Philip (a newly found origami folder to me) posted this spectacular Phi based fold, which is something like a flower/rose/box thing. Phi rocks my world, but I’m utterly unable to fold complex things out of it- something I’m still working on (pentagonal geometry isn’t the easiest thing to work with at times). He also has crease patterns here so you can fold it! I’d suggest popping over and taking a look. His origami blog is also fascinating as well, and is a new RSS feed for me to take in on a daily basis going forward! The Fitful Flog: Pentagonal Compass Rose Box and φ-Quiddity

Origami on TV!

Origami on TV! Originally uploaded by Pano e Papel. my origami friend Claudia will be on TV in Brasil talking about origami! make sure you tune in and watch. (there’s a link to watch the streaming video feed online!) I am glad I work with Brasilians, as someone can translate for me while I am watching!

Jane’s impressive pleat collapse solution

Estrela 3D Originally uploaded by mawelucky. I am really impressed with this solution for collapsing together a hexagonal pleat set. when you have a two-pleat-wide raised section (as in the photo) collapsing them all together is a very difficult process, and she’s come up with an elegant way to do it. Hoping to see more of this soon!