Lightbox Testing: Joel Cooper, RAW vs. JPG (Origami Tessellations)
Originally uploaded by EricGjerde.
Hey there- I’m doing some testing with a lightbox setup, and I could use some feedback. I’ve got a few photos in my photostream- more to come tomorrow- and I would like to know how they look at full resolution to you. good? bad? fuzzy? clear? I’m leaning towards shooting RAW files and doing a lot of post-processing, but it’s a lot of work to do. Maybe I’ll need to switch to film or actually go out on a limb and find someone with a 12+ Mpixel digital camera to do this thing right.
Anyway, take a look- http://www.flickr.com/photos/origomi or look on my Photos Page and click on “Recent Photos” to see them.
Thanks for your feedback.