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Beautiful Firsts


Originally uploaded by Bimbi_OM.

Spotted in the Origami Tessellations photo pool on Flickr, this beautiful tessellation from user Bimbi_OM.

This is their first tessellation design! And not only is it fantastic and aesthetically a knockout – but they posted step-by-step photo instructions on how to make it, too.

Sharing and community involvement like this is really where it’s at – we all learn from one another and grow as artists because of it. I’m really impressed and so very pleased with this work.

We’ve crossed over 3000 photos in our tessellation photo group on Flickr, an astounding amount that I never would have imagined when I started posting photos of my tessellations a few years ago. Every time I see a new contributor – a new folder to join the community – I get so excited! It’s not a zero sum game, so the more people playing, the more fun there is to be had.

Hope you enjoy this pattern as much as I did, it’s a novel and creative design that has a lot going for it.


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