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Oriental Trading Co?

This is non-origami-related- have you ever bought anything from the Oriental Trading Company?

we had a friend give us a copy of their catalog, and it’s full of very cheap (low cost, and low quality) inexpensive items in bulk. some of the stuff was just insanely cheap, and made me wonder who was making it all. kind of strange.

I remember my mom getting the same catalog when I was a kid, but it’s been a long time since I’d ever seen it. She used to buy supplies for the disabled kids she worked with; little toys for prizes, etc.

I managed to pass on ordering 144 little drink umbrellas for $4.95. although somewhere deep inside I’m thinking of possible uses (justifications?) for such a purchase…

Hopefully the Fair Trade part of me will win out over the “hundreds of drink umbrellas!” part of me. It’s equally difficult arguing with the “10 miles of streamer tape!!!” voice, but he’ll just have to live with it.

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